

Domestic Foundation

FuGuan provides professional, effective and diligent legal services for our clients. FuGuan has remarkable achievements and outstanding reputation in non-profit industry.

FuGuan Lawyers have accumulated rich experience through many years legislation involvement, academic research and legal service provision for non-profit industry. FuGuan lawyers have deep understanding of policy development of China’s non-profit industry and non-profit organisations at difference development levels.

FuGuan provides comprehensive and diversified services for all kinds of domestic foundations (including public foundations, corporate foundations, non-public foundations and family foundations):

  1. Establishment and strategic design;
  2. Advice on internal governance;
  3. Risk control regarding external cooperation;
  4. Regular consulting services and compliance;
  5. Grant-making due diligence;
  6. Grant-making compliance assessment;
  7. Investment activities for value preservation and appreciation;
  8. Other creative activities.

William Lu

Partner / Director
Email: william.lu@fuguanlaw.com

William has professional academic research and service experience in not-for-profit law, overseas NGO law, charity law, public welfare donation law, foundation management regulations, voluntary service rules and other public welfare law. William is also the chief editor of ‘China's non-profit organization legal practice series’ and ‘China Public Welfare Law Research Series’ (published by Law Press).

Part of Our Clients

    Ziyue Peng
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